On my phone so excuse typos and lack of specific quoting.
It isn't right to be with someone just for the sake of it, then again I've never held a relationship down for over a year (in point of fact my longest relationship ended when she cheated on our anniversary) so maybe I'm not the right person to ask about lasting relationships!
But the way I see it you can do only so much to mend a broken thing before you have to replace it. I still love many of my exes, and always will, and take no shame from them always owning a small piece of my heart. I still make time for all but 1 (Hayley, who kept trying to **** me and I had to forceably remove her from me every time I saw her even months after we split) and one of my best friends is an ex (you can probably figure out who from the way we talk on facebook)... My point being - for those of us who havnt spent almost all of our adult life in 1 relationship - after a while exes become the best friend you can have, a confidant who knows you well and genuinely wants the best for you. When some time has passed I hope you will be able to see Kirsty in this way. If for no other reason than wihout you her DIY nightmares are going to get seriously out of hand!
It is hard adjusting to being alone, there is no doubt of this. After I broke up with Zee coming home to an empty house every night left me very depressed at the state of my own life, not so much becaus I missed Zee (I did I meen her body was fantastic and she's a lovely if somewhat niave girl) but I felt very lonely, and everyone seemed to be avoiding me (no wonder because I was bloody miserable). It took me some time to feel ok about myself again and as soon as I did I had that overdue holiday and now I'm back - feeling much more posiive and totally ok with being single. It took time, and it's going to take you time too. You don't heal 5 years in 5 days, but you will heal.
And you know, I've had more than a little interest in The Bexter since, but I'm in no rush. Not because I'm happy or because I preffer being single - far from it - but because I think i need to be truly happy before I can start a relationship and be a able to give enough of myself.
If you're not truly happy in yourself then a relationship is only going to excascerbate what you feel, because if you connect with someone when you are miserable then you establish a miserable connection.
So give yourself time, try not to drink too much, and you'll get there.
And feel free to call or pop over for a Jovoporn night.